Quick Sample

I consider this an ideal language to work with, but I`m not entirely sure if a compiler or preprocessor could handle it.

The basic ideas are as follows:

  • Static typing
    • The compiler should prevent all the stupid I see with duck typing
    • Constants are declared with let, and are immutable.
    • Variables are declared with the type, or var if assigned.
  • Minimalist syntax
    • I like Python`s white-space block definitions
    • No damn semi-colons
    • Why should I need to type "def" or "function" ?
  • Scope
    • prevent myself from accessing stuff I forgot I shouldn't
    • prevent others from accessing stuff they never should've
    • public, protected, and private using naming semantics instead of keywords (_, __)
    • shit declared in a method stays in the damn method
  • Accessors/Mutators
    • Massive time savers, and nicer syntax.
    • Why do I need to say obj.set_number(val) instead of obj.number = val
  • Garbage Collection
    • It's 2015, 'nuff said.

Example directory structure

Let .foo be the file extension for this theoretical language.


Example code

In run.foo

using my_module

// "main", like some other languages, 
// is a method that automatically runs
// when the module is executed
    var mytest = numgetter_prude("new name", 69)
    log(mytest.name) // logs "new name"
    log(mytest.number) // logs 0 because of the accessor override in numgetter_prude
    // Call a static module "method"
    // prints "Name is new name\nNumber is 0"

In numgetter.foo

public int add_num = 10

// variables with getters/setters
// automatically create a private variable
// such as _number and use it when appropriate
int number: get get_number; set set_number

// Allow sub-modules to override "public" methods

public get_number() int
    return number

public set_number(int val) void
    number = val

In numgetter_prude.foo

// module level inheretance
inherets numgetter

public string name

// allow this to be read publically
// but still set privately
int other_number: public get

// Methods with the module name are constructors
    // Constructors without explicit return assume "return this"
    return test("foo", 123)

// Method overloading which is pretty much standard these days
numgetter_prude(string new_name, int new_number)
    name = new_name
    number = new_number

// Static methods do not require constructing the module
// to call, nor do they have access to module namespaces 
// that are not static
public static print_stuff(test test_instance) void
    // string concatenation is simply a space
    print("Name is " test_instance.name)
    print("Number is " test_instance.number)

public get_number() int
    return add_num + base.number

public set_number(int val) void
    if val in [69, 666]
        // too vulgar to allow
        val = 0
    _number = val

Equivalent C-Sharp

In Run.cs

using console;

class Run {
    // Comment
    // Comment
    // Comment
    static void Main() {
        var mytest = new NumgetterPrude("new name", 69);
        log(mytest.name) // logs "new name
        log(mytest.Number) // logs 0
        // Call a static module "method"
        // prints "Name is new name\nNumber is 0"    

In Numgetter.cs

public class Numgetter {
    public int add_num = 10;

    int _number;
    int Number { 
        public get { return GetNumber(); } 
        public set { SetNumber(value); }

    public virtual int GetNumber() {
        return _number;

    public virtual void SetNumber(val) {
        _number = val;


In NumgetterPrude.cs

public class NumgetterPrude : Numgetter {

    public string name;

    // Comment
    public NumgetterPrude() { 
        name = "foo";
        Number = 123;

    // Comment
    public NumgetterPrude(string newName, int newNumber) {
        name = newName;
        Number = newNumber;

    public override int GetNumber() { 
        return add_num + base.GetNumber();

    public override void SetNumber(int val) {
        if ({69, 666}.Contains(val)) { 
            // too vulgar to allow
            val = 0;
        _number = val;

    // Comment
    // Comment 
    // Comment
    public static void PrintStuff(NumGetter ng) { 
        console.writeln("Name is "+ng.name);
        console.writeln("Number is "+ng.Number);